Performers from the site-specific theatre piece No Guts No Heart No Glory, about female muslim boxers, in boxing gear lying on the floor.

"The kind of ground-breaking company that takes theatre out of its comfort zones"

Joyce McMillan, Scotsman
A photogaph of Radical Acts, an interactive political theatre piece about the dramatic life changes made by women.

“Common/Wealth will be changing the way we look at the world for years to come”

John McGrath, National Theatre Wales
A photograph of We're Still Here, a site-responsive, political promenade theatre piece about the Welsh Steel Industry.

"The kind of ground-breaking company that takes theatre out of its comfort zones"

Joyce McMillan, Scotsman
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
A photograph of Our Glass House, an immersive theatre piece about domestic violence.

“The company who burst open our consciousness”

Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
A celebratory photograph of colourful brides from the Wedding Of The Year, a socially engaged piece where women married themselves.

Common Wealth

Common/Wealth are based in Bradford and Cardiff and work around the world. We make site-specific theatre events that encompass electronic sound, new writing, visual design and verbatim. Our work is political and contemporary – based in the present day – the here and now. We make work that is relevant and addresses concerns of our times.

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A group of people laughing and smiling with their arms around each other

What we're up to