Sherilyn’s Journey So Far- Joining the Community Cast
As we are now into technical rehearsals of ‘I Have Met The Enemy (And The Enemy Is Us)’ I feel I now have enough experience […]
Read moreWhat if we said that Britain (this tiny island) is the second biggest arms dealer in the world?
I Have Met The Enemy (and the enemy is us) “An explosive, techno-soundtracked assault on the military machine” ★★★★ Guardian
Performed by Mo’min Swaitat, Alexander Eley and Shatha Altowai – a Palestinian actor, former British soldier and a Yemeni artist come together in a joint attempt to understand the UK arms trade and its impact around the world. With lasers, techno and robotic installation, I Have Met The Enemy asks audiences to take a close look at the UK defence industry and the role we play, as a nation and as individuals, in conflict and occupation around the world.
I Have Met the Enemy is part techno party, part investigation and above all else a call to action.
“One of the main criticisms I have of British theatre is that it has been slow to respond to the huge political and geopolitical nightmares swirling around us, but this timely and challenging piece helps address that…..what are we actually going to do with this new found knowledge?”
“This explosive, techno-soundtracked assault on the military machine cuts between war-zone combatants and anxious families in the weapons industry”
“A powerful means of making the abstract personal […] and when we hear at first hand the harrowing experiences of people in Yemen, relayed to us by a smiling, soft-eyed woman on a video link it’s very easy to appreciate that shared human connection.”
“An incredibly immersive and disturbing piece of theatre that is both shocking and thought-provoking. We leave thinking how can we fight back against the warmongers, who will listen to our cries for peace?”