We are very emotional to say goodbye to the excellent Lisa Mallaghan and Jenny Hughes who have been our brilliant Chair & Vice Chair for the past 2.5 years and founding board members since 2017. We are over the moon to be joined by two new incoming new Co-Chairs, Amy Letman and Emma Robinson. Please read on for words from Lisa, Amy and Emma.
Lisa Mallaghan: I’ve had the absolute privilege of being a founding Board member for Common/Wealth for the past 6 years, with the last 2.5 as Chair. In that time the Board has seen the company through: registration as a limited company and charity; loads of policy development and business planning; 2 successful NPO applications; a baby; a global pandemic; lots of recruitment; growing from 0 to 9 employees (plus many more freelancers and performers); and establishing our premises in Bradford and Cardiff. All that ‘business’ has happened to support the real work – making so much incredible, impactful, political performance: Peaceophobia, Pay Day Party, Off the Curriculum, Posh Club, There is An Alternative, Us Here Now, I Have Met the Enemy (and the enemy is us), Radical Acts and so much more.
I’m really proud to be leaving the company in such a strong position, with our brilliant new Co-Chairs Amy Letman and Emma Robinson at the helm of a truly fantastic Board, a new Executive Director Ali Duncan starting in July, and I’m keeping absolutely everything crossed for a success in our application to Arts Council Wales to join the Welsh RFO from April ‘24. Even though my tenure on the Board is officially done, I have a feeling I’ll always say ‘our’ when referring to Common/Wealth – it’s a company that gets in your blood, an addictive roller coaster of creativity, passion and endless potential, through the incredible artistic leadership of Evie Manning and Rhiannon White. What a joy. Thanks guys.
Amy Letman (incoming Co-Chair): I am so thrilled to be working together with the brilliant Emma Robinson as the new Co-Chairs of Common/Wealth Theatre. It’s a privilege to be passed the baton from outgoing Chair Lisa Mallaghan and Deputy Chair Jenny Hughes, both of whom have brought so much expertise, care and passion to the company in recent years. As Artistic Directors, Evie and Rhiannon are absolutely visionary facilitators and leaders, deeply committed to their local communities and to creating the future of theatre. I could not pass up the opportunity to work with Evie and Rhiannon, the vibrant and experienced board, and the wider communities of artists and collaborators across Cardiff and Bradford who are so fundamental to Common/Wealth. I can’t wait to be part of the next chapter of this extraordinary journey.
Emma Robinson (incoming Co-Chair): I’m excited to be joining the team in this new role of Co-chair. I’m looking forward to working alongside my fellow co-chair, Amy; for us both to become a ‘super-boss’ combined Chair, one that is greater than the sum of our individual parts. Common/Wealth is a company I’ve admired from the side-lines for years. I will champion the company to the wider world, and support the team to be the best they can be; so that they can continue to make powerful, important and essential theatre, that cuts through all the verbiage to bring people together in unexpected ways. The company and its’ heart is needed now more than ever. Huge thanks to Lisa and Jenny for their stewardship and support for us taking on the journey. I’m fired up to becoming a part of it.