Fast Fashion Isn’t Cheap
FAST FASHION ISN’T CHEAP by Mariam Rashid, co-created with Natasha Pearson, a Bradford-raised seamstress.
This project is all about the harmful effects of the fast fashion industry, and alternative ways of producing clothing without pricing the average person out.
Mariam believes in clothing as a form of self expression, so the pieces presented are all clothes made for herself from scratch or upcycled from fast fashion pieces. Particularly as a Muslim woman, creating clothes allows Mariam the freedom to wear what she’s comfortable in without sacrificing her sense of style.
The alternative to fast fashion is to teach people in schools about garment production, and provide workshop spaces for people to use those skills. Or, if sewing really just isn’t for you, investing in local tailoring businesses. Small scale, local operations have been seen to work well in the past and around the world. You’ll find more about this on the website too.
Mariam is an Astrophysics PhD student at the University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. Her mother was a seamstress and taught her from a young age, so sewing has always been a part of her life. Mariam also makes costumes for cosplay. (instagram.com/bananasaurusrexcosplay)
Visit fastfashionisntcheap.info to find information about how each stage of garment production can be harmful to our world. The impacts are far ranging, and far worse than you probably expect.
Fast Fashion isn’t Cheap: Mending Workshop
Tuesday 17th August 2021, 2-4 pm
As part of “There is an Alternative” we will be presenting a workshop to teach anyone how to mend their own clothes. All materials will be provided and no prior sewing experience is necessary. Participants will also receive a free sewing kit to take home, so they can apply their new skills to save their well loved clothes from landfill.
The workshop will be run according to government guidelines, in a socially distance format, each participant will create their own piece which they are able to take home with them.
The workshop will take place at the Common Space on Tuesday 17th August at 2pm. It will last 2 hours. There are only 10 places available so we will be working on a first come first serve basis, so please book in advance by emailing: [email protected]