Everyone is an Artist: 2020
Common Wealth believe everyone is an artist. You might have been really creative as a kid or a teenager and then stopped for whatever reason or you might make and think about art and performance in your spare time.
Everyone is an Artist is about unlocking or unleashing something in ourselves, about introducing us to new art forms and artists and thinking about the potential there is in ourselves and hopefully in turn, in our city.
So far we’ve had Grime Artist Maxsta and record label No Hats No Hoods run a session for 11-16 years olds on how to be an independent grime artist. Keep checking in for future workshops – we will be working with Sophie Melville (actress), Khadra Aden & Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi (activists/journalists) Dougy Francisco (art/activist) and Anisha Fields (designer) to deliver our future sessions.
We’re called Common Wealth because we believe in the riches there are of being common (as in poor), of having things in common and of sharing common ground. Everyone is an Artist will explore all of that and encourage us to tell stories and make art about our lives, the people we know and the city we live in.