Take A Breath
Take A Breath with Speaker Corner. Join us for a series of art, creative, sports and political workshops and events. Speakers Corner are focusing on mental health and well-being this year and what this means to young people and how to take care of ourselves and do the things we enjoy!
Wednesday 21st June, 5pm – 7pm
Study night
Speakers Corner will be hosting study nights for young people. Study with friends or by yourself in a calm and safe environment. Speakers corner will provide snacks and stationary!!
Wednesday July 5th, 5pm – 7pm
Candle decorating
Decorate and create your own candles, come and get creative with Speakers Corner.
Wednesday July 12th, 5pm – 7pm
Writing letters to yourself, writing on plates
Write a letter to yourself to open in 5 years, think of what you would want to tell your future self.
Write on a plate and smash any worries you may have.
Wednesday July 26th, 5pm – 7pm
Netball game
Put on your trailers and get active with Speakers Corner. Join us for a netball match!!
Saturday 5th august
Strawberry picking
Always wanted to go strawberry picking? Now’s your chance, join Speakers Corner and go strawberry picking with us
Wednesday 9th august, 5pm – 7pm
Join is in creating your own pottery and learning a new skill
August – September
Self defence and know your rights
Speakers Corner will be hosting a self defence and nwo your rights sessions.
Learn with other women and non-binary how to defend yourself and your rights to protect yourselves.
Saturday 26th august
Get active and have fun biking with Speakers Corner
Wednesday 30th august, 5pm – 7pm
Rage room
Let go of any rage or worries you might be holding
Wednesday 27th september, 5pm – 7pm
Media bias and treatment of muslim countries
Join Speakers Corner for panel talks and workshop with guests
Wednesday 18th october, 5pm – 7pm
Karaoke and disco night
Join Speakers Corner for a night of party and fun