
Mahshid Alavi

Hey ! I’m Mahshid. My artistic journey began with dancing in Iran, where I’m from. In the UK, I started making films and learning how […]

Yasmin Goodison-Braithwaite (Yas)

Hello! I’m Yas, a member of Common Wealth’s Performance Collective. In my past creative roles, I have focused on producing live art and theatrical experiences […]

Joachim Keke (Jojo)

I am Joachim fondly called Jojo, I am from Nigeria. I studied theatre back in university for my undergraduate and often practiced as a Total […]

Noor Jahangir

Noor is a young poet, performer, dancer and campaigner; born and bred in Bradford. She has been writing and performing poetry since she joined Speakers […]

Kenzie Caines

I’m Kenzie, raised on the bradford streets! I’ve always been a lover of dance and creativity. As I got older, I started loving music and […]

Nabeel Bhatti

I’m Nabeel. A Bradford boy through and through. I have no creative background nor any kind of formal education in the arts. I am, however, […]

Samara Daniels (Sammy)

Hey, hey I’m Sammy!! I’m a new member of the Common Wealth performance collective. As a young girl I loved singing and dancing to S […]

Mustafa/MusT Husseini

Hi I’m Mustafa/MusT! I’m an actor and theatre-maker originally from Afghanistan now living in Bradford. My theatre journey started 2 years ago at Common Space […]

Sarah Derrick

I’m Sarah. I’m a Bradford girl born and bred! I’ve been involved in the arts from a young age and reconnected with acting and writing […]