We’re Still Here
“Mae’n rhoi teimlad rhyfedd i chi, ym mêr eich esgyrn, pan fydd pobl yn dod at ei gilydd i siarad drostynt eu hunain.”
Roedd We’re Still Here yn ddrama benodol i safle a oedd yn cynnwys ac wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y bobl y tu ôl i ymgyrch ‘Save Our Steel’ Port Talbot i achub gwaith dur Port Talbot, un o’r diwydiannau trwm olaf yng Nghymru, lle mae cenedlaethau o weithwyr dur yn bwrw eu crefft. Wedi’i llwyfannu mewn ffatri dun nad yw’n cael ei defnyddio, mae hon yn ddrama y gwnewch ymgolli ynddi wrth gael eich tywys gyda chaneuon, testun telynegol cyfoethog a sgôr sain electronig wedi’i greu o solenoidau oedd yn rhan o bensaernïaeth yr adeilad.
Wrth nodi dychweliad National Theatre Wales i Bort Talbot, ynghyd â Common/Wealth, mae We’re Still Here yn archwilio profiadau a straeon y bobl y tu ôl i’r penawdau gwleidyddol.
Yn 2018 enillodd We’re Still Here Wobr Nesta New Radicals Perfformiwyd ym Mhort Talbot rhwng 15 a 30 Medi, 2017
Perfformiwyd ym Mhort Talbot rhwng 15 a 30 Medi, 2017
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common/Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common/Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common/Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common/Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
Pictured: Re: Dress rehearsal of "We'Re Still Here", a play created by Rachel Trezise, Common/Wealth and the National Theatre Wales about steelworkers, which will be performed in Byass Works, a disused industrial unit, in Port Talbot, south Wales, UK.
“We’re Still Here “Mae We’re Still Here yn rhoi llais i’r arswyd hwnnw, gan ein hatgoffa o stori enfawr sy’n werth ei hailadrodd o hyd”
“Mae’r sioe yn llawn cerddoriaeth a hiwmor cyfoethog, agos atoch gan ei bod yn dathlu angerdd ac undod pobl y dref yn dawel a heb sentiment”
“Mae Common/Wealth a National Theatre Wales wedi rhoi’r ddrama y mae’r arwyr hyn yn ei haeddu i Bort Talbot”