
Common Wealth Podcast: Rent Party

We’ve created a series of podcasts to explore all things Common Wealth, chatting to the people we make work with, the people who inspire us […]

Place, Stories and Making Connections

Hello/Shwmae! My name is Callum Lloyd, I’m an actor and writer from Rumney, Cardiff. I recently participated in Common Wealth’s two-day exploration of Cardiff East […]

Meet Our Sounding Board

Common Wealth is passionate about our home in Cardiff East and we know the value of co-creation: it can inspire and lead to social change. […]

Us Here Now

Common Wealth’s Sounding Board member Steph reflects on what Us Here Now means to her and Cardiff East and interviews Jude who took part in […]

Young Board Member Call Out

Common Wealth are recruiting two new Board members from Bradford between the ages of 18-30 to represent young people. These new Board members will be […]


Y celfyddydau yng Nghymru a thu hwnt: Symud y cydbwysedd a chyd-greu newid cymdeithasol Sut mae artistiaid yng Nghymru a thu hwnt yn galluogi newid […]


    How are artists creating social change? What is co-creation? What does it mean? How do we do it? Can the arts operate from […]

Play and process during Covid-19

There’s been so much written about the product, the economy, the money that theatre makes – that I wanted to write something about process. Common […]

There is an Alternative

  Our brilliant thinker and Company Manager Tracy Basu has written some great words about the importance of creativity and alternative thinking: I was born […]

A blog from Maxsta

Photos by Kalpana Tagore In March 2020 Common Wealth invited Grime artist Maxsta and No Hats No Hoods/ Fruition to run a workshop in Cardiff […]